Wereld Oceaan Dag / World Ocean Day 2021, Suriname - Guyana
Proudly supported by
Green Heritage Fund Suriname
Green Heritage Fund Suriname is moving all Surinamers to make wise decisions for the sustainable use of our natural resources.
WWF Guianas
Protecting the waters of Guianas
Policy Forum Guyana
Guyanese Youth Organizations Contribution towards Ocean Protection
DP World Paramaribo
DP World is een toonaangevende leverancier van wereldwijde slimme end-to-end supply chain-logistiek, die de handelsstroom over de hele wereld mogelijk maakt. Met een uitgebreid assortiment aan producten en diensten dekt DP World elke schakel van de geïntegreerde toeleveringsketen - van maritieme en inlandterminals tot maritieme diensten en industrieparken, evenals technologiegedreven klantoplossingen.
Strong Coasts, National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) program
NRT Strong Coasts is a community-engaged training/research program on systems thinking to better manage complex & interconnected FEWS in coastal areas.
Go Bana Suriname
Van bananenstam tot stof
Kustwacht Suriname (Coast Guard of Suriname)
Koersvast en zonder vrees
Black in Marine Science (BIMS)
We are a premier organization aimed to celebrate Black marine scientists, spread environmental awareness and inspire the next generation of scientific thought leaders.
Anton de Kom University of Suriname: Environmental Science
Milieuwetenschappen is een wetenschappelijke opleiding waarbij een geïntegreerde combinatie van technologische en sociale wetenschappen aan te pas komen.
Caribbean Consortium for Research in Environmental and Occupational Health (CCREOH)- MeKiTamara study
The CCREOH-MeKiTamara study, is an ongoing prospective cohort study focusing on maternal and child health in Suriname.
Mangrove Forum Suriname (MAFOSUR)
MAFOSUR focusses on the conservation and expansion of the Mangrove ecosystem
Zero Waste Suriname
Act NoW...✋🏽Refuse Single Use
Support Recycling Suriname (SuReSur)
SuReSur is committed to sustainable waste management in Suriname. We are currently working on the collection and recycling of plastic, aluminum beverage cans and glass.