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The New England Betrayal Trauma Conference: Reconstructing Faith

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Barbara Steffens

Dr. Barbara Steffens Discusses Sex & Betrayal Trauma

Julie St Onge

Bodies, Brains & Boundaries

Kristin Cary

Kristin talks about Betrayal Trauma and divorce and it's impact.

Karen Rellos

Karen Rellos talks about the messy middle. Finding sanity and stability in the midst of crazy making will be her focus.

Connie Spiegel

Our lovely Master Facilitator for the conference

Kathy Reynolds

Who Does God Say I am as a Wife?

Catherine Etherington

The Spiritual Impact of Betrayal

Lyschel Burket

I Look Good in Armor!

tina harris

Tina is a trauma informed, partner sensitive yoga instructor leading deeper connect with God, others and self.

Donna Dixon


Judee Alvarado

Judee discusses losing identity through Betrayal Trauma & Gaining identity in Christ

The event is over

Hosted by

The New England Betrayal Trauma Conference

This is a conference to support women who have endured Betrayal Trauma.

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Daring Ventures

Relational Recovery: Heal Connections, Break Free From Shame, Live Courageously


CORE Relationship Recovery


Trauma & Life Crisis

Hope Redefined

Hope Redefined Ministries, For Partners Facing Sexual Betrayal

Naked Truth Project

Naked Truth is a project that aims to open eyes and free lives from the harmful impact of porn through awareness, education, and recovery programs.

Invisible Hurts

A loving community for victims of domestic violence and partner betrayal.

Living Truth

Transformational online communities for betrayal trauma and sexual addiction recovery


APSATS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the professional training and certification, public education, research, and advocacy for treatment of sex addiction-induced trauma.

A Door of Hope

Because life is always... always... always just ahead

Pure Desire

To provide hope, freedom and healing from sexual brokenness through Jesus Christ

Prayer Wall

Share your requests, and pray for others throughout the conference

Covenant Eyes

Never Fight Alone. Together is Better.

Michelle Jennings

Betrayal Trauma Counselor with Calvert + Associates

Restored Hope Coaching

The Messy Middle