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Regional Erasmus+ Week 2024 for Sub-Saharan Africa

The live event is over.

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Welcome to the Erasmus+ Regional Week 2024 for Sub-Saharan Africa!

Whether you're joining us onsite or online, we look forward to welcoming you to this unique event dedicated to exploring the theme of digital education and fostering global connections in the Sub-Saharan region. 

Event part 1: Meeting of the Erasmus+ National Focal Points for Sub-Saharan Africa - all day 25/06 and morning of 26/06 (ENFPs only/by invitation)

This is a closed meeting for the network of ENFPs to be updated on the Erasmus+ programme, develop their skills and learn from each other.

Event part 2: Regional Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting and Contact Making Seminar for Sub-Saharan Africa - afternoon of 25/06 and all day 27/06 (open to pre-registered participants)

The Cluster Meeting, on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning, is for stakeholders from Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe who have an interest in developing projects and expanding the uptake of the Erasmus+ programme in Sub-Saharan Africa. The theme of the meeting is Digital in Education, which is outlined in more detail below.

The Contact Making Seminar on Thursday afternoon will enable the in situ and online participants to meet other participants with similar interests in creating new Erasmus+ projects and activities.

Event part 3: ENFP Linguistic Groupings Meetings - 28 June  (ENFPs only/by Invitation)

Additional space for ENFPs to meeting in their linguistic groups and plan their activities for the coming year.

This year, Erasmus+ Week for Sub-Saharan Africa, brought to you by the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) of the European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), is taking place in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)  and also in this virtual platform.

The event aims at gathering Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training institutions from Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe active in the Erasmus+ programme or potentially interested in developing cooperation under this scheme. As participants, you will be joined by stakeholders from both regions involved in the implementation and promotion of the Erasmus+ programme such as the African Erasmus+ National Focal Points, Erasmus+ National Agencies, European Union Delegations in Africa, the European Commission and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency.

Registration for the event has now closed. The presentations from the Cluster Meeting will be uploaded to the event web-page on the ENFP website early in the week beginning 1st of July 2024 - please check there for more information. 

Proudly supported by


European Commission


Gilles Trouveroy

Online event manager and facilitator from PRACSIS

Isabelle Demolin

Communications and Production Manager, PRACSIS srl

Hosted by

European Commission - DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (EAC) and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)


Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire