POLIS Conference 2020 - Nov 30 | RingCentral Events Skip to content

POLIS Conference 2020

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Proudly supported by


Apostolos Ziakopoulos

Research Associate

Lucy Yu

Director Public Policy UKI & Benelux

Meia Wippoo

Lead Co-creation Lab

Andri Wienandts

Intrapreneur NMD

Marianne Weinreich

Market Manager

Tim Wiegels

Vice President DATA

Jill Warren


Geert-Jan Verzijden

Manager ZOOV Beheer

Stijn Vernaillen

MaaS Expert

Alexander Verduyn

Policy Officer Alternative Fuels Infrastructure

Karen Vancluysen

Secretary General

Eléonore Venin

Co-coordinator of the working group Smart Walking & Cycling

Matthias Van Wijnendaele

Mobility Manager / Public Works Coordinator

Casper Van Gheluwe

PhD Researcher

Annet van Lier

Manager Mobility & Environment

Sjouke van der Vlugt

Policy Officer Urban Planning

Richard van der Wulp

Urban Transport Planner

Kevin van der Linden

Advisor Mobility and Area development

Jorden van der Hoogt

Technical Specialist

Sander van der Drift


Marc van der Burg

Policy Advisor Smart Mobility

Els Van den broeck

General Director

Frank van den Bosch

Traffic Engineer

Jan Maarten van den Berg

Technical Manager

Mirjam Van Coillie


Esther van Bergen

General Manager

Peter van Wijlick

Mobility Coordinator

András Vágány

Innovation Associate

Olivier Vacheret

Head of Passenger Information and Digital Services


Head of The Department of Development Planning

Susan Tully

Research Fellow

Ellen Townsend

Policy Director

Sara Tori

PhD student

Harriët Tiemens

Deputy Mayor

Peter Swart

Policy Advisor

Theo Thuis

MD Innovation

Andy Taylor

Senior Director of Strategy

Vivian Stribos

EU Representative

Martijn J. te Lintelo

Senior Policy Advisor Transport / Accountmanager Cycling

Shirley te Roller

Project Manager

Enrico Stefano

City Councillor

Marijn Struyf


Jos Streng

Advisor City Logistics

Iraklis stamos

Project Officer

Jop Spoelstra

Innovation Manager

Wilma Slinger

Project Manager

Lucas Snaije

Community & Communications Manager

Bram Seeuws

Project and Policy Officer

Dustin Schöder

Project Manager

Julia Schmidt

Scientific Consultant

Thomas Schmid

Mobility Intrapreneur

Susanne Scherz

Head of Road Traffic Authority

Sabine Scheel-Kopeinig

Senior Researcher

Lucy Saunders


Xavier Sanyer Matias

Head of Mobility Service

László Sándor Kerényi

Director of Strategic Planning

Lucy Sadler


Simon Ruyters

Policy Officer

Roman Rohrberg

Global Marketing Manager

Rob Roemers

Head of Data & Analytics

Maria-José Rojo

Project Manager

Maria Rodrigues

Project Manager Transport & Mobility

Geert Ritsema

European Affairs Advisor

Guido Rink


Mohamed Ridouani


Suzanne Riezebos

Project Leader Charging Infrastructure

Annie Reddaway

Business Analyst - Mobility

Jhon Alexander Ramirez Ospina

International Business Development Manager

Isabelle Prohn

Head of corporate communications SmartwayZ.NL

Ricardo Poppeliers

Principal Consultant Mobility / Strategic Business Developer

Stefanie Pichler

Head of Marketing and Customer Relationships

Maria Pia Fanti

Full Professor

Michiel Penne

Marketing Advisor

Katharina Paoli Brunat

Nudging Expert & CEO

Wiebke Pankauke

Deputy Head of Unit for Road Safety

Mark Nieuwenhuijsen

Director Urban Planning, Environment and Health

Dr. Nina Nesterova

EU Coordinator Mobility, Logistics, Built environment

Marco Mulder

Senior Transport Planner

Edwin Mermans

Senior Advisor International Affairs

Laurent MERCAT

Chairman of Bike Sharing Expert Group

Coen Mekers

Senior Policy Advisor Mobility

Vincent Meijers

Senior Policy Advisor Public Space

Jasper Meekes

Policy Advisor on Mobility

Giulio Mattioli

Research Fellow

Raluca Marian

General Delegate of the Permanent Delegation to the EU

Pedro Machado

Advisor of the Deputy Mayor for Mobility

Dominique Mamcarz

CSR Director

Florian Lorenz

Owner & Consultant

Andrea Lorenzini

Transport Engineer

Tessa Leferink

Active Travel Engineer

Pierre Launay

Freight and Logistics Officer

Fabian Ladda

Director Public Policy

Matthias Mallik

Manager Urban Mobility

Richard Laing

Professor of Built Environment Visualisation

Patricia La Torre

Head of Strategic Partnerships

Mirjam Koopman

Advisor Smart Mobility

Lina Konstantinopoulou

Secretary General

Carla Koers

Member of Council

Dagmar Koehler

Team leader Urban Mobility

Robin Kleine

Project Manager

PJ Kleevens

Senior Advisor Dynamic Traffic Management

Jasmeet Khurana

Manager Mobility

Dylan Khélif

Business Development Manager

Julia Keller

Project Manager New Mobility

Rebecca Karbaumer

Sustainable Mobility Project Coordinator

Rahel Kaenel

Mobility Intrapreneur

Klara Jonsson

Deputy Project Director, Hisingen Bridge project

Peter Jones

Professor of Transport and Sustainable Development

Franck JACON

Study Responsable

Mikael Ivari

Senior Advisor

Wilko Huyink

Managing Director

Nathan Hooghof

Cycling Stimulation and Data

Jan-Willem Hommes

Advisor Transport Policy

Remco Hoogma

Municipal Relations Manager

Giovanni Huisken

Deputy Project Manager SOCRATES

Sita Holtslag

Project Manager

Patrick Hofman

Traffic Engineer

Alan Hoekstra

Sr. Advisor Sustainable Mobility

Suzanne Hoadley

Senior Manager

Daniel Helldén

Vice-Mayor of Stockholm

Gerard Hellburg

Program Manager

Jonas Haustraete

Business Developer

Heidi Guenin

Product Manager, Shared Mobility

françoise guaspare

Senior Policy Advisor

Tjalle Groen

Systems Analyst

Matthieu Graindorge

Seniort Project Manager - Smart and Green Mobility

Klemen Gostič

Project Manager

Nicolas GORSE

General Manager France &. Belgium

Camila Gonzalez Arango

Growth Manager

Tamara Goldsteen

Coordinator Smart and Green Mobility

Robin Goix

Transport Planning Consultant

Thomas Geier

Research and Policy

Alexander Frederiksen


Koos Fransen

Post-doctoral Researcher

Deborah Fox

Head of Demand Management

Frank Fiedler

Head of Transport Development

Roland Ferwerda


Sergio Fernández Balaguer

International Collaboration Projects

Bonnie Fenton


Christoph Erdmenger

Head of Department for Sustainable Mobility

Edoardo Felici

Policy Officer

Anna Domènech

External Affairs Section Manager

Mirthe Dolk

Policy Advisor CycleOn

Alessandro Drago

Counsillor to Mobility

Colm Ennis

Senior Executive Engineer

Per Elvingson

Mobility planner

Anabel Diaz

EMEA Rides Regional General Manager

Dorrith Dijkzeul

Advisor Mobility and Urban Development


Parking Policy Officer

hannelore depypere

Staff Member Education and Citizen Participation

Ewout Depauw

Coordinator Mobility Policy

Thomas Deloison


jesus de la quintana

Head of Urban Solutions


Architect Expert in Sustainable Mobility

Joost de Kruijf

Research and Business Innovator

Pieter de Haan

Consultant, Researcher

Danielle De Boer



Associate Director

philippe crist

Advisor for Innovation and Foresight

Anna Craciun

Partnership Manager

Juan Corro Beseler

Chief Technology and Innovation Officer

Guus Cornelissen

Policy Officer for the Spatial Development Department

Anna Clark

Innovation Lifecycle Manager

Natalia Ciciarello

Project Manager for Shared Mobility

Aman Chitkara


Cosimo Chiffi

Transport Economist

Maria Chatziathanasiou

Research Associate

Victoire Champenois

Policy Officer

Thibault Castagne


Carmen Carvalheira


Diego Canales

Global Partnerships Manager

Malin Broqvist Andersson

Head of Department

Sara Brorström

Associate Professor

Ralf Brand

Senior Mobility Consultant

Marcel Braun

Senior Consultant

Lasse Brand

Urban Mobility Consultant

Yannick Bousse

Senior Manager - Knowledge and Innovation

Florinda Boschetti

Head of City Club

Ron Bos


Tommaso BONINO

Technical Manager

Susanne Böhler

Senior Consultant

Indre Blauzdziunaite

Impact Officer

Lovisa Blomér

Traffic Planner

Stuart Blackadder

Reporting & Governance Officer

Astrid Bjørgen

Phd student/sr Advisor

Jeroen Berends

Policy Officer

Aurélien Belhocine

MaaS Partnerships & Contracts

Koen Beekhuis

Mobility Consultant

Claudia Baumgartner

Head of Research

Silvia Basenghi

Planning Mobility Expert

Estibaliz Barañano

General Manager

Susanne Balm


Matthew Baldwin

Deputy Director-General

Wolfgang Backhaus

Team Leader

Laura Babío

Project Officer


Research Director

Cédric Aubouin

Head of Mobilty and Transport Policy department

Patrick Auwerx

Project Leader and Coordinator of Park4SUMP

Rico Andriesse

Expert Traffic Safety

Konstantinos Asikis

Head of the Strategic/Operational Planning & ICT dpt.

Olga Anapryenka

Senior Consultant

Tim Asperges

Advisor Mobility Policy

Suzanne Andersson

Senior Advisor

Tiago Aleixo


The event is over

Hosted by

POLIS Network

POLIS is the network of cities and regions for transport innovation. For more information: www.polisnetwork.eu



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POLIS Network

Cities and regions for transport innovation


Predicting emerging mobility solutions


Live traffic counting by citizens


Digital Twins for Urban Logistics

Urban Transport Community

Implementing Sustainable Mobility in the Mediterranean


Zero-emission mobility for all!


Societal level impacts of connected and automated vehicles


Working with partners on innovative sustainable mobility solutions in Europe, Asia, Africa & Latin America


Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition


Smart Shared Green Mobility Hubs


INclusive DIgital MObility solutions


Multimodal Optimisation of Roadspace in Europe


A Smart Energy Management System Integrating Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles


Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCisions maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems


Sustainable Urban Neighbourhoods in Europe


Digitising European UVAR Data


Facilitating the up-take of innovative mobility solutions


Planning for Automated Vehicles


Deploying SUMPs in Europe


Dynamic and flexible planning in Central Europe.


Easy charging, easy driving


enhanced sustainable mobility with marketing techniques


Regulating Vehicle Access for improved Liveability


Park4SUMP aims to help cities integrate innovative parking management solutions into Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) for better mobility and quality of life.


For a more inclusive, equitable and accessible mobility