OSC Spring 2021 Member Event

Elder, Elsipogtog First Nation

Our vision and mission is to bring digital to every person, home and organization for a fully connected, intelligent world.

Amundsen Science
A partner for marine research in the Arctic

Xeos Technologies
Beacons that track, monitor and control

Ocean Floor Geophysics
Better Data. Better Decisions.

Ocean Graduate Excellence Network (OGEN)
Investing in people & research to solve challenges for ocean industry partners seeking to expand technologies, products, services, and markets.

Engage Creative Technologies
Reshaping reality and solving problems with emerging technology.

Esri Canada
Applying the Science of Where to understand our oceans

Graphite Innovation and Technologies (GIT)
Bottom paint is the new bottom line.

SubC Imaging
Subsea cameras, lights and lasers for marine science and ROV systems.

Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS)
Ocean Data For Our Ocean Nation

Ocean Allies
Ocean Allies brings together diverse talent to reduce barriers to entry into Canada's ocean innovation ecosystem.

Ocean Sonics
Give Our Oceans A Voice

Canada’s technology solution and equipment provider for Ocean and Marine environments.
EPIC Semi-conductors
Self-powered microscopic AI chips

More Scientific. More Accurate.

Scientific Research & Experimental Development (SR&ED) Tax Incentive Program
We help businesses take risks and invest in R&D

Canada’s largest integrated center for applied research in fishing, aquaculture, and the processing & development of aquatic products

3F Waste Recovery
Turning fish, farm and forest "waste" into high value cosmetic and health ingredients

Clean Oil International
Our patented, autonomous oil skimmer & filter are revolutionizing oil-related disaster response