Wenhui Zhang is a Researcher/Software Engineer at Bytedance, where she has been there since 2021. She holds PhD from Penn State. Wenhui’s research interests include operating systems and runtimes, security, architecture, compiler optimization, and concurrency. Her recent work has been on system support for trusted execution environments, CXL memory, serverless computing, and safety guardrails for large language models. She has been serving on PC for WWW'[24, 25], NeurIPS’24, IPDPS’25, AAAI'25 DATASAFE, Shadow PC for Eurosys'25, AEC PC for SOSP'23, OSDI'24, ATC'24 and SIGCOMM’24 and PC for Demo/Poster Track of CCS'24. Her publishing recognition includes Best Paper runner-ups at Eurosys'24. She is also serving as security co-chair for Akraino Edge Stack, co-lead for cc-api project and involved in many other open source projects.