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Waleed Kadous

Chief Scientist at Anyscale

Sudhir Hasbe

Chief Product Officer at Neo4j

Andrew Burt

Co-founder & Managing Partner at Luminos.Law

Supriya Raman

VP Data Science at JPMorgan

Bob Van Luijt

CEO & Co-Founder at Weaviate

Anton Trynikof

Founder at Chroma

Yash Sheth

Co-Founder at Galileo

Christian Kasim Loan

Lead Data Scientist at John Snow Labs

Franz Krekeler

Platform Lead at Galileo

Alin Blidisel

Technical Team lead

Patrick Salomé

Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer

Zain Hasan

Senior ML Developer Advocate at Weaviate

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John Snow Labs

John Snow Labs is an award-winning Healthcare AI company, best known as the developer of Spark NLP, the world’s most widely used NLP library in the enterprise. We’re here to provide state-of-the-art software, models, and data to help you build, deploy, and operate AI & NLP projects.

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John Snow Labs

State-of-the-Art Medical Language Models