Mission to the World Virtual Missions Conference - Feb 19 | RingCentral Events Skip to content

Mission to the World Virtual Missions Conference

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Proudly Brought To You By


Cartee Bales

Senior Director of Field Operations, Mission to the World

David Stoddard

International Director, Europe

Lloyd Kim

Coordinator, Mission to the World

Victor Nakah

International Director – Africa

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Mission to the World

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Missionary Meetups

The 18.26 Network: Global

Vocational missions

Amazing Grace & UR Amazing

Reaching Lethbridge for Christ

Artisan Ministry: Global

Connecting with artisans around the world

Asian Crescent: South & East Asia

Church planting among Muslims

Australia Team

The unreached, mis-reached, & post-Christian

Australasia Team: Pacific Islands

Partnerships and kingdom work

Bethany Alms: Nicaragua

Supporting the church and empowering people

Brent Kooi: Australia

Equipping to the ends of the earth

The Calls: Belize

Proclaiming the good news of Christ

Carla Stevens: Global

Starting schools and equipping teachers

CCSI: Japan

Teaching and mentoring the next generation

Chile Team

Church planting from the Pacific to the Andes

The Chois: Australia

Raising up and serving new missionaries

The Churches: Uganda

Church and presbytery planting in Kampala

The Coluccias: Italy

Bringing the Reformation back to Italy

Community Arts: Japan

Assisting church planting through the arts

The Conroys: Southeast Asia

Supporting Bible translation in Southeast Asia

CPI: US/Mexico Border

Reaching through church planting

Dan Iverson and MTW Japan

Rich, yet so poor!

Darlene Johnson: Japan

Close-up on church planting in Nagoya, Japan

Daughters of Bulgaria

Restoring hope: one by one

The Davisons: Japan

Artists in church planting

The DeWitts: Spain

Evangelism, discipleship, and church planting

The Dishmans: Colombia

RUF campus ministry in Bogota

East Africa Reformed Mission

Working toward Reformed churches

The Elswicks: Panama

Planting churches and training pastors

The Etiennes: Haiti

Church planting, training, and mercy

Ethiopia Team

Health, medical missions, & church planting

France Team

Planting and helping revitalize a church

The Gahagens: Peru

Providing air transportation for ministries

Global Muslim Ministry

Calling Muslims to worship Christ

Global Theological Education

Training leaders through distance education

The Hills: Cherokee, North Carolina

Native American and First Nations ministry

The Ildertons: The United Kingdom

Reaching the lost through church planting

International Discipleship Coalition

Collaborating to provide resources

Isaiah 55 Ministries: Mexico

Working among the deaf and marginalized

Kay Burklin and Refugee Ministries

See God at work

The Lees: Philippines

Ministering to the Mangyans

The Lennoxes: Native American Ministry

Training leaders and growing disciples

The Lowthers: Japan

Assisting church planting through the arts

L'viv Team: Ukraine

Seeking to plant a church in L'viv

Madrid Team: Spain

Sharing the gospel and planting churches

The MAKE Collective: Global

A network of artists serving as missionaries

The Matlacks: Global

Intercessory prayer for kingdom advancement

Matt and Tara M: West Africa

Medical ministry in Muslim Africa

Medellín Team: Colombia

From kingpins to the kingdom

The Mirabellas: Japan

Church planting, development, & education

MTW Medical

Medical teams through MTW

MTW Member Care: Global

An essential ministry for missions

MTW Midwest Hub

A regional connection point for U.S. churches

MTW Northeast Hub

A regional connection point for U.S. churches

MTW: Southeast Hub

A regional connection point for U.S. churches

MTW Southwest Hub

A regional connection point for U.S. churches

MTW West Coast Hub

A regional connection point for U.S. churches

Muslim Ministry in Europe

Reaching immigrants through church planting

Nagoya Church Planting Team

Planting churches in Nagoya, Japan

The Nairns: Japan

The arts and church planting

Next: Asia-Pacific

Supporting teens and missionary kids

Plovdiv Team: Bulgaria

Church planting in Bulgaria

Rachel Stugart: Thailand

Turn the tide of lies in Bangkok

The Rodgers: Global

Using media to tell stories of God’s work

Shannon DeBoer: Japan

Community outreach for the gospel

The Smiths: Latvia

Making Him known in the Baltics

Sofia Team: Bulgaria

Sharing the gospel and building up churches

South Asia Team

Church planting in South Asia

The Spragues: Japan

Serving the Lord in Western Tokyo

The Stannards: Germany

Developing church planters and leaders

Steve K: Taiwan

Church planting, education, and counseling

Sydney Team: Australia

Fostering a gospel ecosystem

Teresa Weber: Thailand

Evangelism, church planting, and discipleship

Tim M: East Asia

MTW in East Asia

Tokyo Bay Team: Japan

Church-planting around Tokyo Bay

Tokyo City Team: Japan

A church planting team in Tokyo

West Africa Reformed Mission

Transforming West Africa through the gospel

Western Asia Team

Church planting and theological training

The Williams: New Zealand

Reaching New Zealand and the Pacific Islands

The Woods: Guadalajara, Mexico

Reaching a great city

Workplace Ministries: Global

Workplace ministries