JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Night - Jan 27 | RingCentral Events Skip to content
Hosted by

Federation Innovation

We provide guidance, resources, and connections to Jewish Atlanta's changemakers

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Deliver knowledge and connection to help interfaith relationships open the door to Jewish in a non-judgmental way

Ahavath Achim Synagogue

Unite musicians, clergy leadership, and congregants to connect and learn to sing with one another.

American Jewish Committee

Enhance the well-being of the Jewish people and Israel, and to advance human rights and democratic values in the United States and around the world

Anti-Defamation League

Stop the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all.

Atlanta Israel Coalition

Amplify pro-Israel voices through a non-partisan, multi-faith, collective effort.

Atlanta Jewish Academy

Propel our community forward in the areas of Diversity, Equity, Belonging, and Inclusion

Atlanta Jews of Color Council

Center and promote local Jews of Color as being worthy of engagement

Bagel Rescue

Supporting hunger relief by connecting restaurants with excess food - specifically bagels - to neighbors in need

Be'chol Lashon

Amplify the experiences and stories of racially, ethnically and culturally diverse Jews

Chabad Intown

Provide an equitable access point (on the Beltline) for an array of engagement opportunities

Congregation Bet Haverim

Celebrate Jewish living by fostering connections to people, to spirit and to tradition

Etgar 36

Cultivate and inspire critical thinking and activism in the Jewish and non Jewish communities by taking people on Civil Rights journeys in the American South

Global Purpose Approach

Promote an understanding, appreciation, and respect for diversity, inclusion, equity, social/economic justice, belonging and liberation

Honeymoon Israel

Provide immersive trips to Israel for locally based cohorts of couples that have at least one Jewish partner

Israeli American Council

Strengthen the Jewish and Israeli identity of the next generation

Jewish Abilities Alliance

Promote an inclusive community that celebrates the uniqueness and abilities of every member across the lifespan

Jewish Christian Discovery Center

Educate Jews and Christians about their common religious traditions.

Jewish Climate Action Network

Act for environmental justice as a direct expression of our most central values as Jews

Jewish Family & Career Services

Reimagine our leadership development program to not only develop a deep understanding and connection to JF&CS, but also an understanding of the importance of promoting the values of diversity and inclusion


Provide access to food, temporary housing, and other supportive services for students who have experienced foster care, homelessness, and other academic inequities.

KSU Clemente Course

Provide a foundation for previously incarcerated citizens to attend colleges and universities

KSU Food Forest

Build a cadre of local urban youth farmer trainees and increasing their capacity to create a more equitable food system in their own communities

KSU OwlSwap

Give students the opportunity to opt out of or reduce their reliance on fast fashion through regular clothes swaps

KSU Women in Film and TV

Create a searchable, online database of women screenwriters and their work, a much-needed resource for cinephiles and scholars too

National Council of Jewish Women

Improve the lives of women, children, and families

Repair the World

Mobilize Jews and their communities to take action to pursue a just world, igniting a lifelong commitment to service


Advance LGBTQ+ affirmation and empowerment across the South.

Temple Kehillat Chaim

Grow as a loving and inclusive community while helping others in Roswell

Temple Sinai

Foster and strengthen a synagogue family that fully embraces the values of diversity, inclusion, and equity.