GAW Symposium 2021
Speaker in Session 1
Speaker in Session 2
Speaker in Session 2
Speaker in Session 2
Speaker in Session 2
Speaker in Session 3
Speaker in Session 3
Speaker in Session 3
Speaker in Session 3
Speaker in Session 3

Speaker in Session 4
Speaker in Session 4
Speaker in Session 4
Panelist on Panel 2

Panelist on Panel 2
Panelist on Panel 3
Speaker in Session 1

Spaker in session 1
Speaker in Session 1
Speaker in Session 2
Speaker in Session 4
Panelist on Panel 3
Panelist on Panel 3

Panelist on Panel 3
Speaker in parallel session on QA/QC
Chair of parallel session on QA/QC
Speaker in Session 4

Panelist on Panel 1

Speaker in Session 4
Panelist on Panel 2
Panelist on Panel 2
Help desk
Support with technical problems during the event

Discussion Session 4: Data management
Parallel session for poster discussion “Atmospheric composition data landscape in 2030 and how do we get there?”

Discussion Session 4: Earth System Modelling
Parallel session for poster discussion “Earth System modelling”

Alberth Nahas
25 years of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme in Indonesia
Alok Sagar Gautam
Chemical Characteristics of Atmospheric Aerosols & Rainwater chemistry observation at the high-altitude sites Garhwal areas in the Central Himalayas: variations, influence factors, sources, and potential environmental effects
Amanda Cole
The Measurement-Model Fusion for Global Total Atmospheric Deposition (MMF –GTAD) Initiative

Angela Marinoni
Analysis of the aerosol number size distribution variability and characterization of new particle formation events at Monte Cimone GAW global station
Baris Ozgun
The Analysis of Ankara-Polatli Haboob dated at September 12, 2020

Bighnaraj Sarangi
Development of an Aerosol and Cloud Analysis System in the Caribbean

Cihan Dundar
Evaluation of Atmopheric Aerosols over West Asia for the last two decades
Daniel H Cusworth
Using remote sensing to detect, validate, and quantify methane emissions from solid waste operations
Donghee Lee
Vertical distributions of hydrocarbons in UTLS regions associated with Australian Bushfire

Felix Vogel
Using ground-based mobile measurements to monitor urban methane leaks across in twelve cities eight countries
Gerardo Carbajal Benítez
Antarctic Ozone Hole Season Bulletin From Argentina

Jgor Arduini
Continuous observations of emerging pollutants at the WMO GAW global station of Monte Cimone (Italy).
Jocelyn Turnbull
Towards an International standard for Urban Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Assessment

Mykhailo Savenets
The experience of Sentinel-5P satellite data usage for air pollution monitoring and warning in Ukraine

Ravi Yadav
Biogenic and anthropogenic isoprene (C5H8) emissions in the urban atmosphere

Sangwon Joo
Introduction of the WMO endorsed IG3IS project INVERSE-KOREA (Inverse modelling for Validating and Evaluating of the Reduction of Sectoral greenhous gas Emissions in Korea)

Dr. Suvarna Tikle
Economic Benefits of Seamless Air Quality Prediction and Advisory Services in Health Sector
Vineet Yadav
Methane Emissions in the Los Angeles Basin are declining
Vishnu Thilakan
Towards implementing a regional high-resolution inverse modelling system for estimating the CO2 fluxes over India: quantification of fine-scale CO2 spatiotemporal variability
Xiaoye Zhang
Evaluations of carbon neutrality effectiveness and progress in greenhouse gases observations in China
Benjamin J Murray
The need for long-term measurements of atmospheric ice-nucleating particles to address uncertainty in climate sensitivity

Christoph Zellweger
WCC-Empa activities improve data availability and data quality
Dafina Kikaj
Validation of GHG Emission Inventories by 222Rn Measurements: Importance of Deconvolution Method in 222Rn Measurements Correction

Darrel Baumgardner
A Fog and Aerosol Spectrometer for Analyzing Single Particle Shape and Composition

Georgi Tancev
Optimizing Characterization and Recalibration Procedures for Low-Cost Sensors in Air Quality Monitoring
Marcos F. Andrade
Six years of measurements of atmospheric methane at the Chacaltaya GAW regional station

Martin Steinbacher
International collaboration in supporting observations in data sparse regions – lessons learnt from the Quality Assurance / Science Activity Centre Switzerland

Michel Grutter
The Altzomoni Atmospheric Observatory: a state-of-the-art high-altitude station in central Mexico
Omaira E. García
Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas and Aerosol Emissions in Madrid megacity (MEGEI-MAD)
Pamela Trisolino / Paolo Cristofanelli
An improved atmospheric CO2 background data selection method (BaDS): application to near-surface atmospheric CO2 measurements in Italy by a collaborative network of four permanent observatories

Paul Brewer
Implementation of a New Value of the Ozone Absorption Cross-section per Molecule at 253.65 nm (air) for Global Atmospheric Ozone Measurement
René Stübi
Continuity of the Arosa ozone column series after Dobson automation and the displacement of the LKO instruments to Davos

Ruhi Humphries
RV Investigator atmospheric capability – the world’s first mobile GAW station
Songkang Kim
Comparison of Ground Observation Total Ozone Column Data in Antarctica Using Satellite Sensors
Sonja Böll
20 years of GAWTEC and a view to the future
Stefan Kinne
References for atmospheric satellite retrievals over oceans

Susanne Rohs
Automated data processing and quality control of IAGOS water vapour data in Near Real Time (NRT) for the validation of the chemical transport models of Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS)

Tobias Bühlmann
Traceable reference gas mixtures for halogenated VOCs developed within the framework of the EMPIR project MetClimVOC
Viktor Ivakhov
WMO GAW observational network in Russia

Zoe Loh
Gunn Point - a tropical GAW station in Australia

Alexandros Papayannis
Aerosol mixing processes and radiative forcing effects of a 10-days (11-20 May 2020) dust event over Athens, Greece, during the COVID-19 confinement period
Giath Doun
Using of Remote Sensing Images for Monitoring Air Quality in Syria during COVID-19 Quarantine 2020
Haidong Kan
Ambient air pollution and daily mortality in the Multi-Country Multi-City (MCC) project

Hannah Clark
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the availability of IAGOS data

Henk Eskes
Reductions of NO2 Air Pollution during Covid-19, as Observed by Sentinel-5P TROPOMI

Jiacan Yuan
Escalating global exposure to compound heat-humidity extremes with warming
Joshua Fu
A Hybrid Machine Learning Framework to Identify Driving Forces of COVID-19 Transmission

Minsu Kim
Hourly maps of near-surface NO₂ at 100 m resolution enable dynamic exposure assessment

Nikhil Korhale
Disparity in ozone trends under COVID-19 lockdown in a closely located coastal and hillocky metropolis of India
Ranjeet S Sokhi
Changes in air quality during the COVID-19 pandemic - Implications for research, policy and health
Renée Bichler
Relationship between economic growth and satellite-based measurements of NO2 pollution over northern Italy
Ritesh Kalbande
Stubble burning menace of toxic Benzene and Toluene and their implication to Ozone chemistry and human health in the Indo-Gangetic Plain region

Sandro Finardi
Analysis of COVID-19 Lockdown Measures Impact on the Air Quality in Rome Region:Key Indications for Future Air Quality Management

Tetiana Shablii
Climate Change as a Risk Factor for Adverse Perinatal Outcomes

Yue Zhu
Temporal variations of short-term associations between PM10 and NO2 concentrations and emergency department visits in Shanghai, China 2008-2019
Yousuke Sawa
New website and services of World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases (WDCGG)
Kjetil Tørseth
Licencing of data in EBAS (WDCA and WDCRG)
Anatoly Tsvetkov
WRDC activity and GAW Solar Radiation Data Management
Rajesh Kumar
Assessment of regional carbon monoxide simulations over Africa and insights into source attribution and regional transport
Li Zhang
Development of Global Aerosol Forecast Model (GEFS-Aerosols) into NOAA’s Unified Forecast System (UFS)

Christoph Keller
Atmospheric composition modeling using the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System
Pablo Lichtig
Air quality Regional Modeling of Latin America and the Caribbean using WRF-Chem model

Agustin García
Central Mexico Air Quality Forecast Evaluation
Yanyu Wang
Land use change strengths the urban-rural temperature disparity in Eastern China
Rodrigo Rudge Ramos Ribeiro
Heat Waves Projections by the Regional Climate Modelling Using The ETA Model: A Case Study
Zeinab Salah Mahmoud
Sensitivity study of daily dust forecast over MENA region using RegCM4 model
P. R. Tiwari
Earth System Modelling for climate extremes over Europe

Sujit Maji
Modelling secondary organic aerosol over India using regional chemistry transport model
Rabab Mashayekhi
Canadian experience with air quality changes induced by COVID-19 lockdown measures: lessons learned and implications for national air quality objectives
Osvaldo Cuesta Santos
Atmospheric Nitrogen Inputs in Humid Tropical Climate: Cuba. Need to Rescue la Palma Monitoring Regional Station (GAW)