Forum Ouvert FSL Hub Open Forum
Avec l'appui de/Proudly Supported By
Présidente-directrice générale, ACUFC
Principal, campus Glendon, Université York
Executive Director / Directrice générale, Canadian Parents for French (Ontario)
Produits Camerise Products
Collection de présentations/sondages du 5 juin ~ June 5th collection of presentations & surveys
#1 Find a resource
How to use Camerise to find a resource
#2 Adding a resource
How to add a new resource to Camerise
#3 Dashboarding
How to utilize dashboarding in Camerise
#4 Sharing
Sharing on Camerise
#5 Cours de transition / Transitional training course
To facilitate the transition of internationally-trained teachers in Canada
#6 Recrutement et sensibilisation à la carrière d’enseignement
Research and creation of promotional activities
#7 Bridging Knowledge and Practice in FSL Education
Explore innovative ways of using different knowledge products (blogs, podcasts, videos, social media, etc.) to share best practices and knowledge, from lived experiences and research, with various stakeholders.
#8 Additional Qualification / Qualification Additionnelle
FSL for all: building dialogues through an anti-oppressive and inclusive practice
#9 Recherche: Sentiments sur Twitter/Research: Sentiments on Twitter
L'expression des sentiments dans vos tweets/ How to read sentiment in your tweets
#10 Communities in FSL
Community building and networking in FSL
#11 Certificat en FLS et engagement communautaire/ The Certificate in French Language and Community Stewardship
La Langue Française en Pratique en Enseignement / French in Practice in a Teaching Context
#12 A Deep Dive Into Global Learning Through Twitter Information Networks and Sentiment Analysis
Understanding the communities around global learning, finding the most influential users, and finding out what they tweet about and their sentiments!
#13 Mapping FSL Twitter: A visual and technical perspective
Uncovering structural properties of the FSL network on Twitter
#14 fslNFO
INFO about/à propos de FSL
Canadian Parents for French Ontario
Discover our resources for parents, teachers and students!
Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Association/ Association Ontarienne des professeurs de langues vivantes
L'éducation au service de la Terre / Learning for a Sustainable Future
Responsabiliser les enfants à changer le monde! / Empowering our children to change the world!
Help Desk
Resources to help you navigate Hopin