Arlene Gaylord
Executive Assistant Director (EAD) of the Information and Technology Branch (ITB)
From intern to executive, Arlene Gaylord’s dedication, drive, and expertise propelled her FBI career. The San Juan, PR, native joined the Bureau in 1991 as an Honors Intern within the Visual Investigative Analysis Unit and promoted a year later to a Spanish Language Specialist. With a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a master’s in organizational management, Gaylord has held numerous positions within the FBI’s language services and intelligence programs.
In August 2023, Gaylord was appointed Executive Assistant Director (EAD) of the Information and Technology Branch (ITB) and is the first Latina executive in the FBI to attain this position. As EAD, she leads ITB’s mission to design, build, and operate FBI networks, infrastructure, end-user devices, cybersecurity, applications, and data systems.