DeFINE: Fashion-Technology Showcase
Proudly supported by

Experienced Business Coach | Head of Business Incubation | London College of Fashion

Business Manager | Fashion Innovation Agency at London College of Fashion

Editor-in-Chief | FashNerd

Business Developer | Borås Ink

COO | Petit Pli

Associate Director Innovation & Skills | Euratex

Managing Director | Startup Bootcamp Fashion-Tech

Director | Fashion District

Founder | Miro Solutions

Founder | Greendeck

Head of Business Development | Making for Change

Associate Director Research and Consulting | IFM

Head of Graduate Futures Consultancy | London College of Fashion

Founder | Italian Artisan

Operations Manager | CyRIC EUBIC

Founder | GeekGoesChic | WEARFITS

Head of Fashion Innovation Agency | London College of Fashion

Course Leader: MA Strategic Fashion Marketing LCF
Innovation Expert Fashion Council Germany | Founder Sqetch

Founder | Uno Apparel

Founder Holition | Director, Design Informatics Edinburgh Uni | Founder Digital Anthropology Lab

Founder | Lone Design Club

Full Professor | Politecnico di Milano

Associate Professor | Politecnico di Milano

Co-Founder | LOFO

Co-Founder | LOFO

CEO | Fashion Technology Accelerator

Director of Brand Engagement | Stylus
Founder | CIKIS

Founder | Senstile

Assistant Professor & Researcher | Politecnico di Milano

Founder | Thrill Digital

Founder | MINOIS

Founder | Peppervally & Feel More Knitwear

Founder | WEARFITS

Founder | Aequidem

Founder | Aequidem

3D/AR virtual try-on for e-commerce

Ecience by Uno Apparel
Smart apparel: heated outerwear & warmwear

Thrill Digital
Revolutionising the fashion industry with digital technology

Studio Hilo
Berlin-based studio for digital textile innovation

Miro Solutions UK
Augmented Reality software that allows retailers to reduce returns globally

Luxury leather goods with love for technology

Lithe Apparel
3D Rendering-Bespoke Manufacturing-Underwear

æquidem revolutionises clothing for teenagers and young adults who are regularly hospitalised

Augmented Reality clothing platform

An intelligent stylist will increase sales in your e‑commerce

Frey Zein
Natural Outerwear

Find your next footwear supplier the easy way

Feel More Knitwear by Peppervally
An E-Textile Sensor Solution

iNovaRetail by Disignum
Omnichannel revolution for the franchising sector

Clothing storage-Closet Digitalization-Maintenance Service

Activating Business Through Sustainability

Soule by Tinker Design
An interactive smart massage shoe with a personalised sensory experience

Democratising Professional Bra Fitting

Your digital shopping assistant
Your fashion product development platform

POZZZ by Genius Objects
A smart pouch that rewards screen-free time via a zipper-activated points system

Dynamic Pricing Engine

The brighter way to buy and borrow

Petit Pli
Clothes that grow

i-future is tactile | Navigating the textile ocean in one click

Social Network-Data Collection-Community Building

Skin Series
Textile Manufacturing-Health and Wellness-Encapsulation Process