Marina Aguado
Interoperability Coordinator & Data Lab Coordinator,
European Union Agency for Railways
My expertise is focused on communication technologies for transport systems, more specifically on critical railway services such as train control systems.
After my MSc in UK, I worked for eight years in the control centre of different railway companies, among them the major heavy haul railway companies in Brazil (CVRD, MRS Logistics and Brasil Ferrovias). In these companies, I hold the positions of Telecom Network Administrator and Senior Consultant on Signalling, IT and Logistics.
Back to Bilbao, in 2004, I enrolled UPV/EHU as an Assistant Professor and initiated my research specifically motivated by my previous professional experience in the day-by-day work routine of a railway control centre and the train control communication technologies. In May 2007, I joined the European rail Research Network of EXcellence (EurNEX) MentorShip Program with Prof. Marion Berbineau from IFSTTAR (France). Under the EurNEX mentorship umbrella, in July 2009, I submitted my European PhD thesis entitled “Broadband Communication Architecture for Train to Ground Communication Services” supervised by Eduardo Jacob (UPV/EHU).
Since 2010, I work as an Associate Professor and as a Senior Researcher in the research group I2T (UPV/EHU). I also currently contribute as a Professor on the recent Master on Transportation Systems with a topic on Communication Technologies for ITS. Research stays in international leading Railway Research Institutes such as IFSTTAR , Transportation Research Program at MIT- (USA) and Railtec (University of Illinois).
I co-leader with Marion Berbineau EurNEX Pole 5 on Intelligent Mobility, member of the Spanish Railway Technological Platform and member of the Advisory Board for the CBTC World Congress.
I participate as TPC, Chair, reviewer and/or author in conferences and journals in the railway sector such as VTC, Vehicular Magazine, TRA,Joint Rail Conference, Nets4trains, WIVEC, ITS-T, WCRR, Railway Telecommunication and CBTC World Congress.