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Amy Raygada

Founder & CEO, Cosmodata Strategy & Management

Austin Kronz

Director of Data Strategy, Atlan

Nicolas Averseng

Founder & CEO, YOOI

Bart Vandekerckhove

CEO & Co-founder, Raito

Jean-Georges Perrin

Chair of the TSC, The Linux Foundation

Joaquin Melara

Founder of SWARM Community, Host of The AI Digest Podcast

Jovita Tam

Business-focused Data/ AI Advisor & Attorney

Kimberly Thies

CEO, AbeaData Inc.

Kinda El Maarry

Head of Data, GotPhoto

Laurent Dresse

Chief Evangelist, DataGalaxy

Marcin Szymaniuk

CEO, TantusData

Paolo Platter

CTO, Agile Lab

Säde Haveri

Data Governance Manager @ RELEX Solutions & Näkyvä Muutos

Verena Weber

Generative AI Consultant

Vidmantė Čižienė

Technical Project Manager @ Ignitis, an energy company

Wannes Rosiers

Head of Digital Development, Tomorrowland

Winfried Adalbert Etzel

Data Professional, Winfried Etzel AS

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SWARM Community

SWARM is a private, independently-owned Community of Practice. SWARM is an acronym that stands for Sentient Wisdom and Artificial Reasoning Machines. Our work is focused on developing the discipline of artificial intelligence engineering using open source technology. We develop informative and educational content, create virtual and physical events for networking and promoting industry applications, and deliver transformative training programs. Our founder and board of advisors have deep experience in developing impactful events, conducting academic and industry research, and commercializing research assets into sustainable startups. We have our sights on providing the highest caliber of experiences to our community. Our conviction is relentless, as we collectively believe that great work cannot happen without passion, intelligence, and – above all else – personal commitment.

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