Cluj Innovation Days 2021
Proudly supported by
PacketCloud, Start-up launched from University Politehnica of Bucharest
PhD in Procurement Law UBB and University of Torino, former Member of the Expert Group on PP of the European Commission
President Cluj IT Cluster
Ph.D. student in Innovative Procurement recruited in April for the Sapiens Project
Șef CT/Sectoare, ASRO
Chair of the SEEDIG Executive Committee
Deputy Head of Unit, DG Connect, European Commission
CEO & Co-founder, Techmatch
Project Manager, Accenture
Didactic Manager Festo Romania
Business Development Manager CertSign
Business Development Director KadraTech
CEO Activize
Professor, UTCN Cluj-Napoca
EU Policy Manager, European Digital SME Alliance
Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg (GEIGER Project)
Vice-presedinte ASCPD & President, CONAF Braila
Project Leader, DigiCirc
Director New Business Development APO Group
General Coordinator at Technical University of Cartagena (UPCT) for The European University of Technology
Vice Rector, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
CTO, Super Sharp Space Systems
Co-founder OGOR
Project manager APM
Mayor of Cluj-Napoca
Vice-dean University of Hasselt and Antwerp (Belgium)
Ministry of Reserch, Innovation and Digitalization
Professor, Babes-Bolyai Univerisity
Public procurement expert and PhD candidate @Babes-Bolyai University
Operations Manager Bit Alliance
Coordinator EIT Climate Kic, Romania
Secretary General European DIGITAL SME Alliance
Director @Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative
Advisor DG CONECT, European Commission
Brained City Working Group Coordinator @Cluj IT Cluster
Head of Urban Network & LP Support at Urban Impact Ventures
Mayor, Brasov
Professor, Babes-Bolyai Univerisity
Product Owner,
CEO @fastPark CO
Coordinator, ReHub
European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth
Chair Of The Board Of Directors, Greenstat Asia hos GREENSTAT AS
Professor, UBB Cluj-Napoca
Chairman Working Group Cybersecurity under European DIGITAL SME Alliance
Co-Head Office Partner, NNDKP Cluj
Managing Partner at Brainspotting
Director for Policy, Strategy and Outreach at DG Connect, European Commission
Pact for Skills, DG Grow, European Commission
Member of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President for Europe fit for the Digital Age, European Commission
Deputy Director General, CERT-RO
Consultant, The KPI Institute
Manager MDM Group
HR Manager, CertSign
Head of Sector Innovation Ecosystems(EISMEA)
ICT Cluster Bulgaria, 3B ICT NETWORK
Your Passion, Your Vision, Your Future
Cluj IT Cluster
Building innovation, bridging communities
Asociatia Patronilor si Meseriasilor
Din 1871, la Cluj, pentru mediul de afaceri
Școala informală de IT
Există o linie de cod care ne face ceea ce suntem. Se numește ADN. Iar al nostru este digital.
Babeș-Bolyai University
Aspera ad Astra
Programe de Masterat: Facultatea de Fizică, UBB
...o poartă mereu deschisă spre cunoaştere
Blue Bio Sustain, Faculty of Physics, UBB
From Nanobiosensing to Blue Bioeconomy:Translational Science as Innovation Speeder of Blue Growth
Ensuring support for the wide use of digital technologies across the economy and society
Explore new horizons!
Low Voltage Contractor & Systems Integrator
More than security. TRUST
A tool for flexible work program and remote work
Romanian Institute of Science and Technology
Providing expertise in artificial intelligence
In focus: Eastern European Tech Startups Ecosystem
Cluj Startups
Connect to grow!
Spherik Accelerator
Transylvania Angels Network
UFO - Emerging Industries New Value Chains Boosted by Small Flying Objects
Innovation boosted by Small Flying Objects
Blue Growth Accelerator
Cloud Soft SRL
Leading to succes
Oves Enterprise
Bring your ideas to life
Access Engineering
Green and Smart Technology Cluster
Green Tech cluster - innovations for today and tomorrow
Alfa Software
We make companies more efficient through digital transformation.
Neusoft EDC
The Magic of Software
Cluj IT Internationalization Working Group
Our mission: to foster global partnership opportunities
Latvian IT Cluster/DIH
Business gateway to a smarter IT export and digital transformation
LIVINGTRAC - National Kapodistrian University of Athens
LIVINGTRAC - Health and Sustainable Living, Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity - Dept. Informatics and Telecommunications of N.K. Univ. of Athens is a leading academic institution and coordinator of the LIVINGTRAC candidate EDIH.
Prizztech Ltd coordinated by Robocoast EDIH
Robocoast is an international center of excellence for cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), and robotics that focuses on need-based product development projects and digital transformation of industry and services in the context of Industry 4.0.