ACM/IEEE HRI 2022 - Mar 06 | RingCentral Events Skip to content


Hiroshi Nittono

Experimental Psychology and Psychophysiology, Osaka University, Japan

Leila Takayama

University of California, Santa Cruz, US

Friederike Eyssel

Center for Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC), Bielefeld University, Germany

Hosted by

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction 2022

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is the premium venue for publishing and presenting top-quality HRI research.



Amazon Science Robotics

Toyota Research Institute

Toyota Research Institute robotics research: Augmenting and amplifying human ability in the home

Honda Research Institute JP

Innovation through Science


Empowering others



Hello Robot

Meet Stretch, A New Kind of Mobile Cobot

ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery

ACM is a global scientific and educational organization dedicated to advancing the art, science, engineering, and application of computing, serving both professional and public interests by fostering the open exchange of information and by promoting the highest professional and ethical standards.

Playlist - Session "Robots for Children, ASD, Elderly People (1)"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Robots for Children, ASD, Elderly People (2)"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Norms and Biases"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Robot Learning and Programming"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Perceptions of Robots and Humans (1)"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Visual Communication"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Perceptions of Robots and Humans (2)"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Explicit and Implicit Communication"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Sensing and Control"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Understanding and Leveraging Humans"

Full Paper

Playlist - Session "Social and Telepresence Robots"

Full Paper

Playlist - Short Contribution

Short Contribution

Promoting children critical thinking towards robotics through robot deception

Maria Luce Lupetti, Maarten Van Mechele

Practical, Ethical, and Overlooked: Teleoperated Socially Assistive Robots in the Quest for Autonomy

Saad Elbeleidy, Terran Mott, Tom Williams

Gender Fairness in Social Robotics: Exploring a Future Care of Peripartum Depression

Laetitia Tanqueray, Tobiaz Paulsson, Mengyu Zhong, Stefan Larsson, Ginevra Castellano

Robotic Improvisers: Rule-Based Improvisation and Emergent Behaviour in HRI

Irene Alcubilla Troughton, Maaike Bleeker, Kim Baraka, Koen Hindriks

Children's perspectives of advertising with social robots: a policy investigation

Daniella DiPaola, Anastasia K. Ostrowski, Rylie Spiegel, Kate Darling, Cynthia Breazeal

Sanne van Waveren

Leveraging Non-Experts and Formal Methods to Automatically Correct Robot Failures

Eike Schneiders

Non-Dyadic Human-Robot Interaction: Concepts and Interaction Techniques

Franziska Babel

Designing Psychological Conflict Resolution Strategies for Autonomous Service Robots

Alap Kshirsagar

Empowering Robots for Object Handovers

Mariah Schrum

Personalized Meta-Learning for Domain Agnostic Learning from Demonstration

Anastasia Ostrowski

Design Justice for Robot Design and Policy Making

Mohammad Samin Yasar

Robots That Can Anticipate and Learn in Human-Robot Teams

Terran Mott

Community-Situated Mixed-Methods Robotics Research for Children and Childhood Spaces

Erdem Bıyık

Learning from Humans for Adaptive Interaction

Carolina Centeio Jorge

Artificial Trust as a Tool in Human-AI Teams

Bryce Ikeda

AR Indicators for Visually Debugging Robots

Amit Rogel

Music and Movement Based Dancing for a Non-Anthropomorphic Robot

Alexandra Bejarano

Understanding and Influencing User Mental Models of Robot Identity

Ronald Cumbal

Adaptive Robot Discourse for Language Acquisition in Adulthood

lbr1004 Exploring the Effect of Mass Customization on User Acceptance of Socially Assistive Robots (SARs)

Ela Liberman-Pincu, Tal Oron-Gilad

lbr1005 Perceptions of Social Robots as Motivating Learning Companions for Online Learning

Dafna Sinai, Rinat B. Rosenberg-Kima

lbr1007 Multi-party Interaction with a Robot Receptionist

Meriam Moujahid, Helen Hastie, Oliver Lemon

lbr1010 It's not all Bad - Worker Perceptions of Industrial Robots

Eike Schneiders, Eleftherios Papachristos

lbr1013 Affective Responses of Older Adults to the Anthropomorphic GenieConnect Companion Robot During Lockdown of the COVID19 Pandemic

Rachel Wilson, Imogen Keane, Ray Jones

lbr1025 Sensitivity of Trust Scales in the Face of Errors

Birthe Nesset, Gnanathusharan Rajendran, José David Aguas Lopes, Helen Hastie

lbr1039 Learning from Carers to inform the Design of Safe Physically Assistive Robots - Insights from a Focus Group Study

Antonella Camilleri, Sanja Dogramadzi, Praminda Caleb-Solly

lbr1040 Investigating Customers' Preferences of Robot's Serving Styles

Alessandra Rossi, Alessandro Caputo, Alessio Scafora, Silvia Rossi

lbr1041 IVO Robot: A New Social Robot for Human-Robot Collaboration

Javier Laplaza, Nicolás Rodríguez, J. E. Domínguez-Vidal, Fernando Herrero, Sergi Hernández, Alejandro López, Alberto Sanfeliu, Anaís Garrell

lbr1045 Automated Care in New Zealand

Marie Opdal Ulset, Elizabeth Broadbent, Thomas Hylland Eriksen

lbr1046 Initial Test of “BabyRobot” Behaviour on a Teleoperated Toy Substitution: Improving the Motor Skills of Toddlers

Eric Canas, Alba M. García, Anais Garrell, Cecilio Angulo

lbr1050 The Role of Empathic Traits in Emotion Recognition and Emotion Contagion of Cozmo Robots

Te-Yi Hsieh, Emily S. Cross

lbr1052 “Cool glasses, where did you get them?” Generating Visually Grounded Conversation Starters for Human-Robot Dialogue

Ruben Janssens, Pieter Wolfert, Thomas Demeester, Tony Belpaeme

lbr1055 EXOSMOOTH: Test of Innovative EXOskeleton Control for SMOOTH Assistance, With and Without Ankle Actuation

Vittorio Lippi, Alessandro Filippeschi, Cristian Camardella, Francesco Porcini, Christoph Maurer, Lucia Lencioni

lbr1068 The influence of gaming experience, gender and other individual factors on robot teleoperations in VR

Federica Nenna, Luciano Gamberini

lbr1069 Force and Gesture-based Motion Control of Human-Robot Cooperative Lifting Using IMUs

Gizem Ateş, Martin Fodstad Stølen, Erik Kyrkjebø

lbr1072 Is Deep Learning a Valid Approach for Inferring Subjective Self-Disclosure in Human-Robot Interactions?

Henry Powell, Guy Laban, Jean-Noël George, Emily S. Cross

lbr1073 Understanding Design Preferences for Robots for Pain Management: A Co-Design Study

Feiran Zhang, Frank Broz, Edwin Dertien, Nefeli Kousi, Jules A. M. van Gurp, Oriana Isabella Ferrari, Ignacio Malagon, Emilia I. Barakova

lbr1074 Perceived Trustworthiness of an Interactive Robotic System

Luisa Graf, Miha Torkar, Emily Stückelmaier, Romaric Sichler, Pierre Malafosse, Kerstin Fischer, Oskar Palinko

lbr1078 Are Robots That Assess Their Partner’s Attachment Style Better At Autonomous Adaptive Behavior?

Sara Mongile, Ana Tanevska, Francesco Rea, Alessandra Sciutti

lbr1080 Unfortunately, Your Task Allocation is in Need of Improvement

Adelisa Martinovic, Laura Kunold

lbr1081 Robot-Assisted Language Learning Increases Functional Connectivity in Children’s Brain

Maryam Alimardani, Jesse L. P. Duret, Anne-Lise Jouen, Kazuo Hiraki

lbr1082 Exploring Variables That Affect Robot Likeability

Vivienne Jia Zhong, Nicolas Mürset, Janine Jäger, Theresa Schmiedel

lbr1086 Alzheimer’s Dementia Detection through Spontaneous Dialogue with Proactive Robotic Listeners

Yuanchao Li, Catherine Lai, Divesh Lala, Koji Inoue, Tatsuya Kawahara

lbr1095 Socially Assistive Robots in Smart Homes: Design Factors that Influence the User Perception

Eleonora Toscano, Micol Spitale, Franca Garzotto

lbr1098 “How Would You Communicate With a Robot?": People with Neourodevelopmental Disorder's Perspective

Corrado Pacelli, Tharushi Kinkini De Silva Pallimulla Hewa Geeganage, Micol Spitale, Eleonora Beccaluva, Franca Garzotto

lbr1099 Robotic Task Complexity and Collaborative Behavior of Children with ASD

Franziska Prummer, Annika Hellendoorn, Rianne van den Berghe, Hans Petersen, Erik Ploeger, Hanno van Keulen

lbr1100 Improved Indirect Virtual Objects Selection Methods for Cluttered Augmented Reality Environments on Mobile Devices

Michal Kapinus, Daniel Bambušek, Zdeněk Materna, Vítězslav Beran, Pavel Smrž

lbr1101 Kinematically-consistent Real-time 3D Human Body Estimation for Physical and Social HRI

Lorenzo Ferrini, Séverin Lemaignan

lbr1102 Handheld Augmented Reality: Overcoming Reachability Limitations by Enabling Temporal Switching to Virtual Reality

Daniel Bambušek, Zdenék Materna, Michal Kapinus, Vítězslav Beran, Pavel Smrž

lbr1103 What Will It Take to Help a Stuck Robot? Exploring Signaling Methods for a Mobile Robot

Daniel Gahner Holm, Rasmus Peter Junge, Mads Østergaard, Leon Bodenhagen, Oskar Palinko

lbr1104 First Attempt of Gender-free Speech Style Transfer for Genderless Robot

Chuang Yu, Changzeng Fu, Rui Chen, Adriana Tapus

lbr1105 Real-time Feasibility of a Human Intention Method Evaluated Through a Competitive Human-Robot Reaching Game

Athanasios C. Tsitos, Maria Dagioglou, Theodoros Giannakopoulos

lbr1106 Who is that?! Does Changing the Robot as a Learning Companion Impact Preschoolers’ Language Learning?

Nils F. Tolksdorf, Dirk Hönemann, Fanziska E. Viertel, Katharina J. Rohlfing

lbr1107 Role of Socially Assistive Robots in Reducing Anxiety and Preserving Autonomy in Children

Ning Fang, Chao Zhang, Supraja Sankaran, Shaoya Ren

lbr1108 Adolescents' Perceptions of the Role of Social Robots in Civic Participation: An Exploratory Study

Kirsikka Kaipainen, Salla Jarske, Jari Varsaluoma, Kaisa Väänänen

lbr1109 Design Implications for Effective Robot Gaze Behaviors in Multiparty Interactions

Maria Teresa Parreira, Sarah Gillet, Marynel Vázquez, Iolanda Leite

lbr1110 Towards using Behavior Trees for long-term social robot behavior

Sara Cooper, Séverin Lemaignan

lbr1112 KURT: A Household Assistance Robot Capable of Proactive Dialogue

Matthias Kraus, Nicolas Wagner, Wolfgang Minker, Ankita Agrawal, Artur Schmidt, Pranav Krishna Prasad, Wolfgang Ertel

lbr1117 Perception of Power and Distance in Human-Human and Human-Robot Role-Based Relations

Eleonore Lumer, Hendrik Buschmeier

lbr1126 “My Robot Friend”: Application of Intergroup Contact Theory in Human-Robot Interaction

Selen Akay, Berkay Arslan, Sabahat C. Bagci, Junko Kanero

lbr1127 Conversational AI and Knowledge Graphs for Social Robot Interaction

Graham Wilcock, Kristiina Jokinen

lbr1129 Robot Self-defense: Robot, don’t hurt me, no more

Eduardo Kochenborger Duarte, Masahiro Shiomi, Alexey Vinel, Martin Cooney

lbr1133 Inducing Changes in Breathing Patterns Using a Soft Robot

Ali Asadi, Oliver Niebuhr, Jonas Jørgensen, Kerstin Fischer

lbr1144 K-Qbot: Language Learning Chatbot based on Reinforcement Learning

Nurziya Oralbayeva, Aidar Shakerimov, Shamil Sarmonov, Kanagat Kantoreyeva, Fatima Dadebayeva, Nuray Serkali, Anara Sandygulova

lbr1145 To Transfer or Not To Transfer: Engagement Recognition within Robot-Assisted Autism Therapy

Nazerke Rakhymbayeva, Zarema Balgabekova, Mukhamedzhan Nurmukhamed, Karina Burunchina, Wafa Johal, Anara Sandygulova

lbr1146 An intelligent human avatar to debug and challenge human-aware robot navigation systems

Anthony Favier, Phani Teja Singamaneni, Rachid Alami

lbr1128 Speech Impact in a Usability Test – A Case Study of the KUBO Robot

Caroline Gjerlund Christiansen, Sidsel Hardt, Stine Falgren Jensen, Kerstin Fischer, Oskar Palinko

lbr1063 User Perception on Personalized Explanation by Science Museum Docent Robot

Jeyoung Park, Jeeyeon Kim, Da-Young Kim, Juhyun Kim, Min-Gyu Kim, Jihwan Choi, WonHyong Lee

lbr1000 Hugmon: Exploration of Affective Movements for Hug Interaction using Tensegrity Robot

Naoya Yoshimura, Yushi Sato, Yuta Kageyama, Jun Murao, Satoshi Yagi, Parinya Punpongsanon

lbr1001 Pick-me-up Strategy for a Self-recommendation Agent: A Pilot Field Experiment in a Convenience Store

Takuya Iwamoto, Jun Baba, Junya Nakanishi, Kotaro Nishi, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro

lbr1002 Cohesiveness of Robots in Groups Affects the Perception of Social Rejection by Human Observers

Hongshen Xu, Ray LC

lbr1009 How to Make Robots’ Optimal Anthropomorphism Level: Manipulating Social Cues and Spatial Context for an Improved User Experience

Hanna Chung, Sukho Lee, Soojin Jun

lbr1012 Community-Based Data Visualization for Mental Well-being with a Social Robot

Raida Karim, Yufei Zhang, Patrícia Alves-Oliveira, Elin A. Björling, Maya Cakmak

lbr1016 Butsukusa: A Conversational Mobile Robot Describing Its Own Observations and Internal States

Akishige Yuguchi, Seiya Kawano, Koichiro Yoshino, Carlos Toshinori Ishi, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Yutaka Nakamura, Takashi Minato, Yasuki Saito, Michihiko Minoh

lbr1017 T-Top, a SAR Experimental Platform

Marc-Antoine Maheux, Charles Caya, Dominic Létourneau, François Michaud

lbr1018 Measuring Users’ Attitudinal and Behavioral Responses to Persuasive Communication Techniques in Human Robot Interaction

Nathan Green, Karen Works

lbr1019 Robot Musical Theater for Climate Change Education

YeaJi Lee, Ariana Wyatt, Jiayuan Dong, Tanner Upthegrove, Brandon Hale, Chelsea H. Lyles, Koeun Choi, Jisun Kim, Shuqi Yu, Devanshu Vajir, Phyllis Newbill, Myounghoon Jeon

lbr1020 Learning Reward Functions from a Combination of Demonstration and Evaluative Feedback

Eric Hsiung, Eric Rosen, Vivienne Bihe Chi, Bertram F. Malle

lbr1023 The nature of trust in communication robots: Through comparison with trusts in other people and AI systems

Akihiro Maehigashi

lbr1024 Neither "hear" nor "their": Interrogating gender neutrality in robots

Katie Seaborn, Peter Pennefather

lbr1026 The Effect of Robots Listening Attitude Change on the Self-disclosure of the Elderly: A Preliminary Study

Yoshiki Nakamura, Hiroyuki Umemuro

lbr1027 Does Encouraging Self-touching Behaviors with Supportive Voices Increase Stress-buffering Effects?

Ayumi Hayashi, Emi Anzai, Naoki Saiwaki, Hidenobu Sumioka, Masahiro Shiomi

lbr1028 3D Head-Position Prediction in First-Person View by Considering Head Pose for Human-Robot Eye Contact

Yuki Tamaru, Yasunori Ozaki, Yuki Okafuji, Junya Nakanishi, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Jun Baba

lbr1032 Friendly Elevator Co-rider: An HRI Approach for Robot-Elevator Interaction

Wing-ting Law, Ki-sing Li, Kam-wah Fan, Tiande Mo, Chi-kin Poon

lbr1033 Human-Robot Conflict Resolution at an Elevator -The Effect of Robot Type, Request Politeness and Modality

Franziska Babel, Philipp Hock, Johannes Kraus, Martin Baumann

lbr1036 A Novel Online Robot Design Research Platform to Determine Robot Mind Perception

Daniel E. Pittman, Kerstin S. Haring, Pilyoung Kim, Benjamin Dossett, Gillian Ehman, Elizabeth Gutierrez-Gutierrez, Sneha Patil, Ashley Sanchez

lbr1038 Development of a Training Robot for Slander Suppression

Taichi Hirano, Fumihide Tanaka

lbr1042 Robot Mediation of Performer-Audience Dynamics in Live-Streamed Performances

Valerie Zhao, Baldwin Giang, Sarah Sebo

lbr1047 A Task Design for Studying Referring Behaviors for Linguistic HRI

Zhao Han, Tom Williams

lbr1048 Preliminary Explorations of Conceptual Design Tools for Students Learning to Design Human-robot Interactions for the Case of Collaborative Drawing

Yi Zhao, Lian Loke, Dagmar Reinhardt

lbr1049 Can an Empathetic Teleoperated Robot Be a Working Mate that Supports Operator's Mentality?

Tomomi Takahashi, Sichao Song, Jun Baba, Junya Nakanishi, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro

lbr1051 A Communication Robot for Playing Video Games Together to Boost Motivation for Daily-use

Shogo Kanda, Taishi Sawabe, Masayuki Kanbara, Yuichiro Fujimoto, Hirokazu Kato

lbr1053 Perceptions of Explicitly vs. Implicitly Relayed Commands Between a Robot and a Smart Speaker

Samantha Reig, Elizabeth J. Carter, Terrence Fong, Aaron Steinfeld, Jodi Forlizzi

lbr1057 MAPPO: The Assistance Pet for Oncological Children

Lucía Gabriela Sarmiento Calderón, Leonardo Fabio Gómez Hormaza, Roberto Alejandro Raez Pereyra

lbr1064 DualityBoard: An Asymmetric Remote Gaming Platform with Mobile Robots and the Digital Twins

Ryota Shibusawa, Mutsuhiro Nakashige, Katsutoshi Oe

lbr1065 Open Source System Integration Towards Natural Interaction with Robots

Ayaka Fujii, Jokinen Kristiina

lbr1066 User-centered Exploration of Robot Design for Hospitals in COVID-19 Pandemic

Soyeon Shin, Dahyun Kang, Sonya Kwak

lbr1067 Effects of Colored LEDs in Robotic Storytelling on Storytelling Experience and Robot Perception

Sophia C. Steinhaeusser, Birgit Lugrin

lbr1070 Development of a Snuggling Robot That Relieves Human Anxiety

Yuga Adachi, Fumihide Tanaka

lbr1071 A Demonstration of the Taxonomy of Functional Augmented Reality for Human-Robot Interaction

Ornnalin Phaijit, Mohammad Obaid, Claude Sammut, Wafa Johal

lbr1075 Robot Teleoperation Interfaces for Customized Therapy for Autistic Children

Saad Elbeleidy, Aryaman Jadhav, Dan Liu, Tom Williams

lbr1087 An exploration of eye gaze in women during reciprocal self-disclosure: implications for digital human design

Alesha Wells, Kate Loveys, Mark Sagar, Mark Billinghurst, Elizabeth Broadbent

lbr1089 Authoring Human Simulators via Probabilistic Functional Reactive Program Synthesis

Michael Jae-Yoon Chung, Maya Cakmak

lbr1090 A Virtual Agent That is Equipped With Internal Movable Weights for Enhanced Credibility

Ayumu Kawahara, Yohei Noguchi, Fumihide Tanaka

lbr1091 Furnituroid: Shape-Changing Mobile Furniture Robot for Multiple and Dynamic Affordances

Yasuto Nakanishi

lbr1092 What Can We Do with a Robot for Family Playtime?

SunKyoung Kim, Masakazu Hirokawa, Atsushi Funahashi, Kenji Suzuki

lbr1111 I enjoyed the chance to meet you and I will always remember you: Healthy Older Adults’ Conversations with Misty the Robot

Jordan Miller, Troy McDaniel

lbr1114 Toward Adaptive Driving Styles for Automated Driving with Users' Trust and Preferences

Manisha Natarajan, Kumar Akash, Teruhisa Misu

lbr1115 Modeling the Interplay between Human Trust and Monitoring

Zahra Zahedi, Sarath Sreedharan, Mudit Verma, Subbarao Kambhampati

lbr1116 Effect of Human Involvement on Work Performance and Fluency in Human-Robot Collaboration for Recycling

Sruthi Ramadurai, Heejin Jeong

lbr1118 Determining Success and Attributes of Various Feeding Approaches With A Mobile Robot

Victoria Chen, Yao-Lin Tsai, Heather Knight

lbr1119 Using Robots to Facilitate and Improve Social Interaction Between Humans: An Exploratory Qualitative Study with Adults 50+ in the US and Japan

Katrina M. Ling, Danielle Langlois, Harrison Preusse, Marlena Fraune, Katherine M. Tsui

lbr1120 Instruct or Evaluate: How People Choose to Teach Norms to Social Robots

Vivienne Bihe Chi, Bertram F. Malle

lbr1122 AMIGUS: A Robot Companion for Students

Carmen Espinoza, Andres Alamo, Roberto Raez

lbr1130 Human-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Human Robot Teaming

Saurav Singh, Jamison Heard

lbr1135 Fluid sex robots: looking to the 2LGBTQIA+ community to shape the future of sex robots

Skyla Y. Dudek, James E. Young

lbr1136 Drone Brush: Mixed Reality Drone Path Planning

Angelos Angelopoulos, Austin Hale, Husam Shaik, Akshay Paruchuri, Ken Liu, Randal Tuggle, Daniel Szafir

lbr1137 Public Versus Private: How Teens Perceived Teen-Robot Interactions in a School Setting

Katelynn Oleson, Elin A. Björling, Lotus Zhang, Heba Dwikat

lbr1139 Feasibility of Using the Robot Sphero to Promote Perceptual-Motor Exploration in Infants

Georgia R Kouvoutsakis, Kleio Baxevani, Herbert G. Tanner, Elena Kokkoni

lbr1142 A Machine Learning Approach to Model HRI Research Trends in 2010~2021

Chan Hsu, Ching-Chih Tsao, Yu-Liang Weng, Cheng-Yi Tang, Yu-Wen Chang, Yihuang Kang, Shih-Yi Chien

lbr1134 The Inversion Effect as a Measure of Social Acceptance of Robots

Ali Momen

lbr1043 Gamer Breakbots: Exploring Robots as a Way for Gamers to Manage Break Time and Alleviate Potential Health Issues

Mumina Abdi, Evan Hamp, Wyatt Oistad, Ji Youn Shin, Hee Rin Lee

HRI2022 Opening Session

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