"The Future is WoMENA!" Borderless.Integrated.Inclusive - Sep 21 | RingCentral Events Skip to content

Proudly supported by


Dr. Najat Benchiba-Savenius

Sahar Attaripour

Shirin Dehghan

Mahtab Ghamsari

Sadia E. Ahmed


Katy Mirzaie

Samineh Shaheem

Massy Shams

Noor Shaker

Sally Nowroozi

Mina Mohit

Arefeh Taghikhani (WoMENAIT London)

Baringa Partners

Nono Ghannam

Chief Executive OfficerC at Stllr Networ

Shahad Geoffrey

Co-Founder, CEO @Taffi

Hosted by

Women Of MENA In Technology

Women Of MENA In Technology is a US Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Org established in Silicon Valley.

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Women Of MENA In Technology

The Community for women technologists and entrepreneurs of MENA descent




LegaMart is the professional legal Marketplace, operating globally aiming to connect lawyers with clients in foreign jurisdictions globally.


MENAco is a professional networking platform for women entrepreneurs in tech from across the Middle East and North Africa (the MENA region)

Data Umbrella

Data Umbrella Provides a welcoming and educational space for under-represented persons in the fields of ML/DS/AI


Leading Equitable Data Practices programming offers professional development, practical resources, and membership in a strong community of data practitioners who are passionate about leading responsible data practices.


Women in AI (WAI) is a nonprofit do-tank working towards inclusive AI that benefits global society. We are a community-driven initiative bringing empowerment, knowledge and active collaboration via education, research, events, and blogging.