Digital Health & Care Event - DigiFest2020
Proudly supported by
Chair, Chartered Institute of Housing
Chief Executive Officer, Carnegie UK
Joint Chair of the Digital Health and Care Portfolio Board
Director, Tektology
Chief Executive Officer, Scottish Care
Director of Digital Directorate, Scottish Government
Research & Skills Manager, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
Partnerships Director, Ethical Healthcare Consulting
Head of Innovation, Centre for Innovative Medical Technology
Research and Knowledge Management Officer, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
Chief Executive Officer, Care Inspectorate
Joint Chair of the Digital Health and Care Portfolio Board
Learning and Development Manager (Digital Learning) Scottish Social Services Council
Advisor in Digital Development to the Ministry of Social Affairs Estonia
Digital Programme Lead, Midlothian HSCP
Founder and Director, Project ECHO, University of New Mexico
Business Relationship Manager, LGDO
Director, Health and Social Care South Lanarkshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Chair, Edinburgh Integration Joint Board
Deputy Director, Healthcare Denmark
Director of Inclusive Communities, The Wales Co-operative Centre
Strategic Planning and Commissioning Manager, Digital Health, NHS Dumfries & Galloway
Programme Director, Connecting Scotland
SCPMG Virtual Medical Center / Clinical Call Center Physician Director
Medical Lead for Project ECHO and Lead Consultant in Palliative Care
mPower Community Engagement Coordinator / Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations
Head of Information Governance and Assurance, Digital Health and Care, Scottish Government
Principal Educator, NHS Education for Scotland
Paediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy Advanced Practitioner, Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
Digital Programme Delivery Manager, NHS 24
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, NHS Western Isles
Specialist Occupational Therapist, East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership
Programme Lead, TEC Transforming Local Systems Pathfinder, Scottish Government
National Advisor for Digital Mental Health, Scottish Government
Chief Technology Officer, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
Clinical Psychologist, NHS Tayside
Paediatric Respiratory Physiotherapy Advanced Practitioner Team Lead - Respiratory RHC Glasgow
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Poster Presenter
Deputy Director Governance Evidence and Finance Division Directorate for Mental Health and Social Care
Evaluation Manager, NHS Lanarkshire
Project Manager / Service Designer, Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations
Special Consultant, Practice, Region of South Denmark
Professor of Remote Medicine, Robert Gordon University
Research and Knowledge Management Officer, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
Analogue to Digital Project Manager, Falkirk Council
Technology Enabled Care Development Officer, Digital Office for Scottish Local Government
Chief Executive Officer, Highland Hospice
Project Manager, Digital Telecare for Scottish Local Government
Professional Advisor Chief Nursing Officer’s Directorate, Scottish Government
Remote Health Pathway Lead, Technology Enabled Care, Scottish Government
National Lead, Remote Health Pathway Lead, Technology Enabled Care, Scottish Government
Partnership Manager, Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations (ACVO)
TEC Project Manager, NHS Highland
TEC Connector, Council of Voluntary Organisations (CVO) East Ayrshire
Resource Worker and Data Analyst, East Ayrshire Council
Research Fellow, The Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI)
Deputy Director Development, Alzheimer Scotland
Professor of Computer Science, School of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University
Operations Manager – Business Development, Carr Gomm
Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner/Co-team Lead Pelvic & Obstetric Physiotherapy Service, NHS Forth Valley
Head of Contact Centre Operations, Bield Housing and Care
Business Readiness Officer, Digital Telecare East Renfrewshire Health and Social Care Partnership
Mackenzie Chair of General Practice, University of Aberdeen
Service Design Adviser, ihub, Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Specialist Data and Information Analyst
Director – Technology, Digital & Transformation, Welsh Government - Health & Social Services Group
Senior Product Manager, NHS Education for Scotland
Programme Advisor, Healthcare Staffing Programme Healthcare Improvement Scotland
National Allied Health Professions Consultant, Alzheimer Scotland
Principal Educator, NHS Education for Scotland
Allied Health Professions Practice Education Co-ordinator
Senior Educator, NHS Education Scotland
Transformation Lead, Carmarthenshire County Council, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Regional Partnership Board
Young Scot Volunteer
Advisor, Scottish Government and Lead, Digital Approaches in Care Homes
Head of Data Innovation, Scottish Government
Young Scot Volunteer
Chief Digital Information Officer, Department of Health Northern Ireland
Co-design Officer, Young Scot
Service Co-ordinator, Quarriers
Senior Operations Manager - Community Development, Involvement and Volunteering, Carr Gomm
Co-Director of the Imperial College London Institute of Global Health Innovation and Special Envoy of WHO on COVID-19
Consultant Emergency Medicine, QEUH & Joint Clinical Lead, Innovation West of Scotland
Team Manager, Service Development and Support, Community Housing & Homelessness, East Lothian Council
Co-Director of the Imperial College London Institute of Global Health Innovation and Special Envoy of WHO on COVID-19
Event Helpdesk
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Poster Wall
View posters relating to the theme of the day
Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre
Transforming great ideas into real solutions
Scottish Health Innovations Ltd (SHIL)
Supporting innovation across NHS Scotland
The Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland
People at the centre
Digital Telecare for Scottish Local Government
Digital Telecare for Scottish Local Government supports telecare service providers and key stakeholders on their transitional journey from analogue to digital telecare.
Independence and Empowerment with Digital Care Systems
CAIR (UK) Ltd.
Innovative, Interoperable Telecare Solutions
The Scottish Government
Updated Digital Strategy for Scotland
Kinsetsu / kcare
Unburden staff | Your people focused on what they do best
CCPS Digital
Supporting CCPS members with digital innovation in social care
A UK leader in digital health and remote patient monitoring.
SCIROCCO Exchange aims to support health and social care authorities in the adoption and scaling-up of integrated care
European Connected Health Alliance
The Global Connector for Digital Health
Digital Health and Care, Scottish Government
We provide the national policy context for digital health and care in Scotland and responsible for the delivery of digital across health and care alongside a number of key partner organisations.
mPower Project
mPower supports the over 65’s living with long-term conditions to connect with community and technology to improve health and wellbeing. mPower is a five-year project supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme.
Safely check the wellbeing of people you support, even when you cannot be there!
The British Computer Society (BCS) Health & Care Scotland
BCS is Making IT Good for Society
Scottish Social Services Council
The regulator of the social service workforce in Scotland
Penumbra I.ROC Wellbeing
Penumbra is one of Scotland’s largest mental health charities. We support around 1800 adults and young people across Scotland each week through our innovative I.ROC Wellbeing approach to mental health recovery. We believe in a society where people with mental health problems expect recovery and are accepted, supported and have the resources to fulfil their potential.
Project ECHO
A ready-made methodology designed for sharing knowledge online.
Event Resource Library
Recordings of previous sessions and further resources.